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People NewsAlain Routhier: CPMA Lifetime achievement award recipient

Alain Routhier: CPMA Lifetime achievement award recipient

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During the Canadian Produce Marketing Association’s (CPMA) trade show and convention in Montreal, several industry members and businesses will be honoured for their contributions including Alain Routhier of Courchesne Larose Ltd., who will receive the 2022 CPMA Lifetime Achievement Award. Routhier has been working in the fresh produce industry since an early age. After completing his university studies, he joined the family business and has since ascended the ladder to become the president.

Routhier has also held various roles within the industry including QPMA Chair in 1998 and CPMA Chair in 2011.

Attendees of CPMA 2022 will hear from Alain Routhier and other awards recipients at the Awards Brunch.

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