Campbell Soup Co. has announced strategic management changes appointing Julio Gomez as the new president of Campbell Canada. He succeeds Ana Dominguez, who has been named president of Campbell Fresh.
In his previous role at Campbell, Gomez was general manager, Caribbean, Central and South America. He joined Campbell in 2014. Prior to joining the company, he worked as a consultant providing leadership to a frozen food business start-up in Latin America.
The reorganization includes several other changes, including the creation of a new accelerator unit focused on innovation to drive long term growth. The Campbell Fresh business that Dominguez now heads will part of this new business unit, which also includes digital and e-commerce divisions.
“The transformative Snyder’s-Lance acquisition served as a catalyst for us to re-examine how to best organize the company for increased emphasis on execution and profitable growth,” says Denise Morrison, president and CEO of Campbell. “This strategic reorganization–focused on our core, the integration of recent acquisitions, the Campbell Fresh turnaround and long-term growth–provides the right structure for us to optimize the value of our businesses today, while creating future-oriented capabilities. It will simplify our operations, improve our execution and enable us to allocate resources with a greater focus on profitable growth.”