Six brokers teamed up for a party at the Hockey Hall of Fame during CHFA NOW Toronto. Pictured left to right are: JP Bichay of Connect Brand Management, Jim Kavanagh of Brandseed Marketing, Mandi Zolkowski of Blume Natural Sales & Marketing; Jimmy Vaid of iLevel Management, and Curtis and Don Budnarchuk of NuStart Marketing. Missing from the picture is Matt LeBeau of LeBeau Excel.
Thousands of industry professionals from health and wellness food, drink and innovations attended CHFA NOW in Toronto. The conference took place on September 15 and 16, and the trade show on September 17 and 18. Grocery Business was there. See part one of our photo gallery HERE.
Sharpes Food Market
Cory Baran (left) and Pierre-Olivier Drouin of Chosen Foods
The Jonluca Enterprises team.
Jordyn Shell of Fody Foods.
Peter Weicker of Fortinos.
Holman Rodriguez (left), Tal Tuchman and Martin Bilodeau of GOGO Quinoa.
From left at Healthy Crunch: Mariah Craig, Kelsey Chang, Naser Malik and Julie Bednarski-Malik.
The HerbaLand Naturals team.
From left, Lassonde’s Shane Zilberberg, Marion Desnoyers and Eveline Cournoyer.
At the La Presserie booth, from left: Sharon Rotzang, Gloria Guinand and Daniel Dutesco.
John (left) and Adrian Jaques of Sunshine Pickles.
The Three Farmers team, from left: Saba Saleem, Colleen Rintamaki, Natasha Vandenhurk, and Dani Le.
Marielle Hirwa (left) and Maria Arbulu of the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
Adam Gallant and Alison O’Donnell of Zevia.