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Industry NewsHumber College unveils Longo Faculty of Business & Centre for Entrepreneurship

Humber College unveils Longo Faculty of Business & Centre for Entrepreneurship

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longohumber_june_2_2022_84-2689103Left to right: Alvina Cassiani, senior dean, Longo Faculty of Business; Anthony Longo and Roxanne Longo; Chris Whitaker, president and CEO, Humber College.

In recognition of a $5 million donation, Humber’s Faculty of Business and Centre of Entrepreneurship will now be named The Longo Faculty of Business and the Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship. 

The gift to the Ontario-based college from the Longo Family Foundation aims to remove barriers to education and business development through scholarships and seed funding for entrepreneurs and provide critical support for mentorship, networking, and skills development.

The Longo Family Foundation was established in 1998 with a vision to contribute to a world of strong, healthy families; one where children and youth are empowered to reach their full potential.

“As a graduate from Humber’s Business Administration program, I am personally connected to the important cause of fueling entrepreneurship in Canada and helping dreams become a reality, ” said Anthony Longo, president and CEO of Longo’s. “It is incredibly rewarding to know that our contribution will help keep Canadian youth engaged, inspired and innovating for our future.”

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