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Industry NewsMetro unveils 2023 Corporate Responsibility report

Metro unveils 2023 Corporate Responsibility report

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Metro has released its corporate responsibility (CR) report 2023 detailing its food and pharmacy activities.

Among the key issues addressed in the report is its focus on responsible procurement as the company tries to improve outcomes and transparency in its supply chain by 2026.

“Our teams have been working diligently on major projects aligned with our CR plan because we are determined to achieve our objectives. We believe that our approach to corporate responsibility is an asset in realizing our purpose, which is to nourish the health and well-being of our communities and evolve our business to meet the changing needs of society,” Eric La Fleche, president and CEO of Metro, said in a statement.

To achieve this, Metro partnered with SupplyShift, which has allowed the company to collect and analyze data from suppliers to assess their performance against the Supplier Code of Conduct. Metro has also moved to address deforestation by revealing its forest-related practices to CDP forests for the first time.

“In 2023, we disclosed our forest-related practices to CDP Forests for the first time, based on fiscal 2022 data. Responding to the CDP Forests questionnaire is another demonstration of our commitment to transparency while addressing deforestation in the retail sector. It also aligns with our values and long-term goals of minimizing environmental impacts and promoting sustainable supply chains,” the report reads.

Furthermore, Metro released details on its climate framework and strategy toward reaching national net-zero standards. It plans to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 42 per cent by 2030. Additionally, based on spending, the organization is targeting 45 per cent of its suppliers to adopt science-based targets by 2028. And it wants to reduce Scope 3 FLAG GHG emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.

Metro’s decarbonization plan includes six key areas. It uses natural refrigerants, invests in renewable energy sources, has electrified a portion of its vehicle fleet, and enhanced fuel efficiency where possible. The company also says it is actively engaging with essential suppliers to collaboratively diminish their emissions, installing electric-vehicle (EV) chargers to encourage sustainable practices among customers, and implementing measures to curtail food waste throughout the value chain.

On equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives, Metro says it remains focused and discussed areas of progress. Socioeconomic contribution is also a focus too, with an increase in community investments reaching $7.4 million in 2023, compared to $5.5 million in the previous year. Moreover, the company says it has made strides in reducing food waste, recovering four million kilograms of food, equivalent to 8.1 million meals.

“Our teams have been diligently working on major projects aligned with our CR Plan, demonstrating our determination to achieve our objectives. We have remained agile in our strategies, continuously tracking our goals and adjusting our approach as necessary. We are proud of the fact that we are making significant progress again this year and are well-positioned to meet our corporate responsibility goals by 2026,” Marie-Claude Bacon, vice president of public affairs and communication at Metro, said.

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