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Industry NewsSaying "thanks" to frontline healthcare workers

Saying “thanks” to frontline healthcare workers

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Rob Rathke has found a unique way to say “thank you” to frontline healthcare workers: delivering gift bags with products donated from CPG companies and suppliers.

Rob Rathke, manager of sales and marketing for TC Transcontinental, has donated hundreds of gift bags and is encouraging the grocery and supplier community to donate to deliver more gift bags.

During his spare time, to date he has personally delivered 250 gift bags to healthcare workers across the Greater Toronto Area. The gift bags have included hand lotions, sanitizers and organic products from Organic Garage and snack products from KIND. Rathke says he has another 1,000 gift bags that he plans to deliver soon and recenlty received more donations, including  1,000 bamboo sustainable bags, 10 cases of 120 fracs (ground coffee) and 500 coffee pods, all from Club Coffee.

If you’re interested in donating products for the gift bags you can contact Rob Rathke here.

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